“I would like to dedicate this project to all the women who have disappeared or been mistreated during this period of confinement, precisely because they do not have their own room.” Inés R. Artola
Based on the words of Virginia Woolf in A Room of My Own, I would like to propose a project that will be developed, in a first stage, in a completely virtual way and that will go viral in a period of six months and, in a second stage, that will crystallize in a real exhibition.
Virginia Woolf gave these lectures in 1928 at two women's universities in Cambridge in which her basic thesis is something as simple as it is difficult to achieve even today: a woman, in order to become a writer, needs her own room, that is, to be economically independent. Here, and from today, we want to widen the spectrum, first of all, to women artists from different disciplines, and also leave a space for anonymous women (or with their own name, if they wish) who reflect on the importance and need to be independent. (…)
My aim is to invite women artists (here I am referring to the feeling of being a woman, not to the sex one is born with) to take Woolf's words as a starting point, to reflect on them and then show their work from their own rooms, in the format they choose and in total freedom. I want to support them and make them known in the different geographies in which I have moved, and I also want their networks to expand the group and involve more and more people in the project, regardless of the country they are in.
A simple action that will use social networks (FaceBook and Instagram) but with a constant drip programme, which aims to become a viral phenomenon.