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Ta książka to zbiór wybranych tekstów przygotowanych dla „Newsweeka Psychologii” przez specjalistów od tego, jak o sobie myślimy i jak w związku z tym działamy. Dla tych, którzy chcieliby zmierzyć się ze swoją niepewnością i uwierzyć w siebie.

Autor: Opracowanie zbiorowe

Wydawnictwo: Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o.

Rok wydania: 2024

Indeks: 70097207

Jak mieć udany związek. Newsweek Psychologia.

Czego najbardziej pragniemy w związku z drugą osobą? Czy widzimy i rozumiemy potrzeby naszych partnerów? Co nam przeszkadza kochać, czego się boimy?Jak wspólnie pokonywać trudności, stawiać czoło kryzysom, wyzwaniom, nieoczekiwanym zdarzeniom – czyli wszystkiemu, co zdarza się w życiu każdej pary.

Autor: Opracowanie zbiorowe

Wydawnictwo: Ringier Axel Springer Polska Sp. z o.o.

Rok wydania: 2023

Indeks: 57805016, ID produktu: 1399812001

Paradise Found: An Erotic Treasury for Sybarites

Author: Betony Vernon

Photography: Bettina Rheims, Ellen von Unwerth, Douglas Kirkland, Irina Ionesco, Nick Knight, Ali Mahdavi, David Bellemere, Olivier Zahm, David Downton, Jeff Burton, Dellfina Dellert, among others.


Publisher: Rizzoli

Trim Size: 9 x 11-2/5

Pages: 224

ISBN: 978-0-8478-7216-9


Zbrodnia i seks. Kim są i jak działają przestępcy seksualni

Doktor Andrzej Depko, biegły seksuolog, przez ponad 20 lat zajmował się przestępcami seksualnymi. Dellfina Dellert zapytała go o kulisy pracy, głośne polskie i światowe sprawy, typy przestępców, mechanizmy ich działania, sposoby terapii osób z zaburzeniami seksualnymi i czy można się uchronić przed staniem się ofiarą przestępstwa seksualnego. Sporo miejsca Dellert i Depko poświęcają również molestowaniu powszedniemu: w pracy, w domu, w związku, przemocy wobec osób LGBT, historyczno-kulturowym przemianom norm społecznych związanych z seksualnością. Prawda zawarta w tej książce przerasta najwymyślniejsze fikcje!

Autorzy: Dellfina Dellert i Andrzej Depko

Wydawnictwo: Agora

Rok wydania: 2019

Indeks: 34079942

Więcej informacji TUTAJ

PEP Obsessions

[Exhibition Catalog] Tête Gallery, Schönhauser Allee 161A, 10435 Berlin

Selected artists:

Kristina Borinskaya, Giada Cicchetti, Stefano Conti, Nicolas Polli, Allison DeBritz, Harry Flook, Bart Walraeve, Juan Giraldo, Chloé Azzopardi, Anna Haillot, Dafni Melidou, Makis Makris, Jeremy Knowles, Martyna Benedyka, Federico Monty Kaplan, Magda Pacek, Dellfina Dellert and Luka Lukasiak, Yanova Ekaterina, Philip Welding, Katerina Tsakiri

Jury and curators:

Bénédicte Blondeau, Jeroen De Wandel


PEP Escape

[Exhibition Catalog] Tête Gallery, Schönhauser Allee 161A, 10435 Berlin

Selected artists:

Annemarie van Buuren, Gerasimos Platanas, Annick Donkers, Mauro Pinotti, Denis Boudilov, Luis Barbosa, Martin Brandau, Dellfina Dellert and Luka Lukasiak, Alex Delapena, Haydar Pekdüz, Bruno Leite Silva, Teri Varhol, Louisa Boeszoermeny, Antonio Verrascina.

Jury: Antonio Rodriguez, Bénédicte Blondeau



BODY Publication

Size: 6×9 in, 15×23 cm

Soft Cover

120 pages

We have created this publication to celebrate the work of 39 artists from all corners of the globe who are part of ZEST Hall’s “BODY” virtual exhibition. The works presented in this book investigate themes such as sexuality, gender, identity, objectification, abjection, nature, body art, and traditions - the body as material.he way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Order now on: https://www.roundlemon.co.uk/zestshop/p/body-publication


Power Games
Mokotow/s-ka Gallery - catalog
21x24 cm
Paper cover
48 pages

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Mere & Pere
Author: Yves Haddad
Publisher: La Martiniere Eds De
Paper cover
352 pages
Date of publication: 27/10/2011

By asking 155 artists - illustrators, photographers or visual artists, a majority of known artists but also anonymous - to provide a diptych comprising a representation of father and mother, Yves Haddad initiated an authentic and atypical artistic project. From this experience are born these singular works, often astonishing, even confusing, which are as many glances on the paternity and the maternity.
"The story of this book began at the synagogue, one day in Yom Kippur, when the rabbi said," Parents are the most dear in the world. They must be cherished in their lifetime and honored even after their death. "This sentence was nothing extraordinary. For me, it even flowed from spring. Yet I received it as a revelation: these words were addressed to me personally, I had to do something about it. “
For four years, Yves Haddad asked more than 150 artists, illustrators, photographers or visual artists, known (Robert Crumb, Dellfina and Dellacroix, Philippe Druillet, Loustal, Lorenzo Mattotti, Speedy Graphito, …) or unknown - to portray their parents.
From this extremely intense experience, sometimes painful, often liberating, are born singular, astonishing, even confusing works and a questioning: and I, could I be able to represent my parents? And how?

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Peace Signs: The Anti-War Movement Illustrated
Publisher: Edition Olms; First Edition edition (April 1, 2004)
by James Mann (Editor), Howard Zinn (Foreword)
208 pages
Product Dimensions: 12.9 x 9.2 x 0.9 inches
Language: English, French, German, Spanish
ISBN-10: 8181580095
ISBN-13: 978-3283004873
ASIN: 3283004870

Peace Signs is the ultimate collection of posters and graphics from the war in Iraq—uncensored, political, and thought-provoking. It includes over 200 full color posters from artists and designers from over 22 countries worldwide, featuring artwork by Dellfina and Dellacroix,  Seth Tobocman, Shepard Fairey, Winston Smith, Chuck Sperry, Sue Coe, Ward Sutton, Nicole Schuman, and Mike Flugennock.

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The Design of Dissent: Socially and Politically Driven Graphics from the 1960’s till today
Rockport Publishing, 2005
by Milton Glaser  and Mirko Ilic
Hard cover
9.5 x 1 x 11.2 inches
296 pages
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1631594249

Dissent is an essential part of keeping democratic societies healthy, and our ability as citizens to voice our opinion is not only our privilege but our responsibility. Without this dialogue, the backbone of what we have fought so desperately for could easily crumble.
Over the past several decades, we have seen the number of democratic societies around the globe increase, and during the past ten years, there has been a heightened awareness of the increasing conflicts and problems that both directly and indirectly affect our everyday lives. With the Middle East never ending conflict, the war on terrorism, and the numerous financial and environmental crises, peopleÆs sense of safety, power, and representation has diminished in part because they feel they have no voice.
Designers, however, have used their skills to communicate their dissent throughout history and are doing so even more now with the birth of the Web and the increasing ease of distributing posters and other printed materials. A picture is worth a thousand words and designers have used this adage to their advantage by creating simple yet powerful designs that immediately convey poignant messages to their viewers. The Design of Dissent will examine graphic work focusing on social and political concerns from around the globe. The time is certainly ripe as the U.S. -- and world - flare in opposition on so many important issues.

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Is art dead?
Gallery Deborah Zafman catalog
Publisher: Le livre d’art
20x30 cm
Paper cover
82 pages
ISBN: 978-2-3-35532-019-5


Atomic Love
Publisher: Le livre d’art
15x21 cm
Paper cover
76 pages

Dellfina and Dellacroix are two artists working and living together. They combine Thomas’s interest for history with Dellfina’s fascination with human nature. Their joint projects deal with subjects like fame, image, identity, originality, commercialism, and world conflicts in context of collective memory and mass medial manipulation.

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Gallery Rive Gauche, Marcel Strouk, catalog
Publisher: Le livre d’art
Paper cover
21x24 cm
72 pages  
French / English
ISBN: 978-2-35532-014-9

Jan Almlöf, editor of Foto Scandinavia: ”They have done just about everything you can do in art and they still have mountains of ideas to explore and as much energy to spend.” 

"Barbara Oudiz, EYEMAZING magazine: ”If the term multimedia artists exists, then that's exactly what they are. The palette of their artistic ability is literally gigantic.”


Paper cover
21x30 cm
58 pages
Gallery Final catalog
ISBN: 978-91-978325-0-2


Publisher: Le livre d’art
20x20 cm
Hard cover
64 pages
Language: English
ISBN: 2-35237-006-X

A double entry catalog. Reality: retrospective of Thomas Dellacroix's works. Illusion: Catalog of the works of Studio Utopia (Dellfina & Dellacroix). Foreword by Jonas Stampe (art critic and curator) and Jan Almlof (editor of the Scandinavian magazine Foto). 

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Les Transphotographiques catalog
“Photographie et cinema"

Imprime en mai 2007 sur les presses de la
Monsoide conception graphique transphotographiques
140 pages
Paper cover
ISBN: 2-9524209-3-9


Studio Utopia
Paper cover
15x21 cm
32 pages